
Your account or IP address has been blocked from editing.
You were blocked by $1 for the following reason (see our blocking policy):

Your IP address is $3.

You are not blocked from reading pages, only from editing them.
If you have just clicked a red link, you were blocked from starting a new page as no article on that topic exists yet.

What do I do now?

Before you continue reading, does the above message say you were autoblocked? If so, see the Autoblocked? section below.

  • If the reason given is "username", "user...", "contact an administrator for verification purposes", or something similar, then you or someone with whom you share an IP address has been blocked for choosing an inappropriate username. To request a change in username and be unblocked, please follow these instructions. Alternatively, create a new account with a more appropriate name.
  • If you have never edited Wiktionary before or do not have an account, please see the Unregistered? section.
  • If you wish to appeal your block, see the following section.


Start by finding out when your block will expire. Go to my contributions and follow the Block log link at the top of the page. If there are no blocks listed, or the latest one has already expired, then you have been autoblocked. Please follow the instructions listed in the section below.

If you do not wish to wait for your block to expire, you may contact $1 (the blocking administrator) via email to resolve the problem that led to the block. To use this feature you must have a valid email address registered in your user preferences.


You may be unable to edit Wikipedia because someone using the same IP address or shared proxy server was blocked. This is known as an "autoblock".

If your block message reads "Autoblocked because your IP address has been recently used by" followed by a username, or your block log (check via my contributions) does not list any current blocks, then you have been autoblocked. Please add the following line to the bottom of your user talk page:


Do not do this if you were blocked directly; instead, see the "Appealing" section above.

If this problem affects you repeatedly, we encourage you to contact your Internet service provider or IT department and ask them to contact Wikimedia's XFF project about enabling X-Forwarded-For HTTP headers on their proxy servers. This will reduce collateral damage from future autoblocks.


MediaWiki, the software that Wikipedia runs on, identifies users without an account through their IP address. However, some IPs are shared by many people, and as a result unregistered users are sometimes blocked for the misbehavior of another editor. Since administrators have no way to accurately tell the claims of an innocent user from those of an anonymous vandal, we strongly encourage you to create an account. This gives you your own contribution history, which administrators can use to determine if you are a trustworthy user who has been inadvertently blocked.

Blocks tagged in their reason as "AO" or "AB" have been set to "anonymous-only" meaning only registered users who have logged in can edit from this IP address. If you are currently blocked from creating an account, we suggest the following:

  • Try again after the block on your IP address expires. Go to my contributions and follow the Block log link at the top of the page to find the length of the block.
  • Create an account at home and then log in at your school or workplace, if you are blocked there.
  • Ask a trusted friend on a different network to create an account for you.
  • Use Wikimedia's secure server at, this may bypass your network's proxy server.